BPC-157 (1000mcg) + Glutathione (250mg) Ion Push Patch – 10 Patches


BPC157 Benefits: Tissue Repair and Wound Healing, Anti-Inflammatory, Gastrointestinal Health, Neuroprotection, Modulation of Nitric Oxide (NO) System!


What is Polypeptide 157 and how does it work?

Tissue Repair and Wound Healing: Polypeptide -157 is known for its regenerative
effects on soft tissues. It accelerates wound healing by modulating VEGF (Vascular Endothelial
Growth Factor).

Anti-Inflammatory: It inhibits the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-
α, and promotes the release of anti-inflammatory cytokines like IL-10.

Gastrointestinal Health: It has been shown to be effective in treating ulcers and
inflammatory bowel disease by enhancing the integrity of mucosal lining and reducing

Neuroprotection: Polypeptide -157 has neuroprotective effects, possibly through the
modulation of neurotransmitters and upregulation of growth factors like BDNF (Brain-Derived
Neurotrophic Factor).

Modulation of Nitric Oxide (NO) System: It can modulate the NO system, which plays
a role in vasodilation, angiogenesis, and cellular communication.

Combined Effects of Polypeptide -157 and Glutathione

1. Enhanced Tissue Repair: Both agents are involved in tissue repair but through
different pathways. Combining them could potentially offer synergistic effects in accelerating
wound healing.
2. Improved Cellular Metabolism: Polypeptide-157’s modulation of NO and Glutathione’s
role in reducing oxidative stress could lead to optimized cellular function.
3. Anti-Aging: Glutathione is known for its anti-aging effects through sirtuins, and BPC-
157 has tissue regenerative properties
Recommended dosage

Recommended dosage on Polypeptide-157 and Glutathione patches for acute
pain/injury recovery. Initially you “load” by wearing one patch every other day for the first two
weeks. After two weeks is up wear patches two days per week until healed.

Perhaps the greatest advantage of Iontophoresis is its ability to slowly release the molecule into the bloodstream over time. All molecules have “half-lives.” A molecule half-life is how long it stays active in the body. For example, BPC157 only has a 30-minute half-life. So, if you inject 300 mcg of BPC in 30 minutes you only get the dose effect of 150 mcg. 30 minutes after that it is only 75 mcg and so on. After 4 hours BPC 157 is no longer detectable so you are no longer reaping the benefits of this peptide if injected or taken orally.  Iontophoresis patches allow us to slowly release the molecule into the bloodstream over a 12-hour period thus greatly increasing the dose effect and clinical outcomes.


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