I want to share this article with you, http://www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com/probiotic-strains-matched-by-health-problem/, which discusses the research being done to provide specific information on probiotics for your gut. Probiotics have always been known to support gut health and the immune system, but ever since the antibiotic craze to blast any yucky pathogens (viruses and infections) out of your system, probiotics have taken a back seat. Now that they are in the limelight again, companies are putting them in all sorts of products or finally highlighting their presence in some way or another. However, not all probiotics are specific to your digestive needs or the ailments that you may be concerned about fighting, and many of these products don’t make it past your stomach with the benefits of the millions and billions of probiotics they contain. If you have serious health concerns or issues, including IBS, anxiety, depression, infections, pain, fibromyalgia, etc., it’s best to get tested.
As your Functional Medicine and Asian Medicine practitioner, I will address your gut health and immunity issues through scientific testing that will reveal the true health, excesses, and deficiencies that may be hindering your optimal digestive and immune function. Through these tests, it is revealed which probiotics you need to have a wealth of healthy microflora (intestinal flora) in your system.