Dermatological & Inflammatory Disorders
Dermatological and inflammatory disorders can include conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, and rosacea, among others. Treatment approaches typically involve a combination of topical creams, oral medications, lifestyle modifications, and, in some cases, systemic therapies to manage inflammation and alleviate symptoms.
Dermatological & Inflammatory Disorders
Dermatological and inflammatory disorders can include conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, and rosacea, among others. Treatment approaches typically involve a combination of topical creams, oral medications, lifestyle modifications, and, in some cases, systemic therapies to manage inflammation and alleviate symptoms.
Causes of Dermatological & Inflammatory Disorders
Dermatological and inflammatory disorders have various causes, and the exact factors can differ depending on the specific condition. In many cases, these disorders have a multifactorial etiology involving a combination of genetic predisposition, immune system dysfunction, environmental triggers, and lifestyle factors. Genetic factors play a significant role, as certain individuals may have a higher risk of developing these disorders due to inherited gene variants. Immune system dysfunction, including an overactive immune response or impaired immune regulation, can contribute to the development of chronic inflammation in the skin. Environmental triggers, such as allergens, irritants, pollutants, and infections, can also provoke inflammatory responses in susceptible individuals.
Signs & Symptoms
- Redness & Itching
- Swelling or Rash
- Pain or Discomfort
- Flaking or Peeling
- Crusting or Ulceration
- Papules & Pustules

Dr. Gina Morishige, Medical Director
- Personalized Treatment with Provider
- Comprehensive Lab & Wellness Testing
- Holistic Hormone & Detox Optimization
- Disease Management & Rejuvenation
- Mental & Emotional Support
- Long-Term Wellness & Empowerment
- Nutrition Optimization & Unlimited Support
Join me on a wellness journey to unlock true health, wealth, abundance, and joy. Experience the surface-to-cellular method with comprehensive lab testing and advanced genetic analysis. Embrace vibrant energy and purpose. Discover your unique genetic key to BE OPTIMALLY YOURSELF with unparalleled, customized 1-on-1 support.